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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Arab Medicinal Plants: From Traditional Uses to Scientific Knowledgebashar saad; omar said
2011Biosafety of Herbal Medicinebashar saad; omar said
2010Cancer treatment by Greco-Arab and Islamic herbal medicinehilal zaid; anwar rayan; omar said; bashar saad
2011Commonly used herbal medicines in the mediterraneanbashar saad; omar said
2011Contributions of Arab and Islamic Scholars to Modern Pharmacologybashar saad; omar said
2011Diabetes prevention and treatment with Greco-Arab And Islamic-based natural productshilal zaid; omar said; bahaa hadieh; abdalsalam kmail; bashar saad
2009Greco?Arab and Islamic herbal medicine and cancer treatment/preventionomar said; hilal zaid; bashar saad
2011Herbal medicinebashar saad; omar said
2011Herbal Remedies: Use and Demographic and Regulatory Issuesbashar saad; omar said
2011History of Greco?Arab and Islamic Medicinebashar saad; omar said
2011Hypericum triquetrifolium--Derived Factors Downregulate the Production Levels of LPS-Induced Nitric Oxide and Tumor Necrosis Factor-{alpha} in THP-1 Cellsbashar saad; bernadette soudah abouatta; walid basha; alaa hmade; abdalsalam kmail; said khasib; omar said
2011Hypericum triquetrifoliumDerived Factors Downregulate the Production Levels of LPS-Induced Nitric Oxide and Tumor Necrosis Factor-in THP-1 Cellsbashar saad; bernadette soudah abouatta; walid basha; alaa hmade; abdalsalam kmail; said khasib; omar said
2011Medicinal Herbs and Extracting Their Active Ingredientsbashar saad; omar said
2009Medicines and Method of Therapy in the Arab and Islamic Medicine International Journalbashar saad; rola jadallah; harbi daraghmeh; omar said
2011Modern In Vitro Test Systemsbashar saad; omar said
2011Modern In Vivo Evaluations and Clinical Trialsbashar saad; omar said
2011Natural Drugs in Greco?Arabic and Islamic Medicinebashar saad; omar said
2011The current state of knowledge of Arab herbal medicinebashar saad; omar said