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Title: Scheduling Of Concurrent Transactions in Broadcasting Environment
Authors: ahmad al-qerem
ala hamarsheh
yaser a. al-lahham
mujahed eleyat
Keywords: mobile computing
data broadcasting
concurrency control
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
Abstract: Mobile computing environment is subject to the constraints of bounded network bandwidth, frequently encountered disconnections, insufficient battery power, and system asymmetry. To meet these constraints and to gain high scalability, data broadcasting has been proposed on data transmission techniques. However, updates made to the database in any broadcast cycle are deferred to the next cycle in order to appear to mobile clients with lower data currency. The main goal of this paper is to enhance the transaction performance processing and database currency. The main approach involves decomposing the main broadcast cycle into a number of sub-cycles, where data items are broadcasted as they were originally sequenced in the main cycle while appearing in the most current versions. A concurrency control method AOCCRBSC is proposed to cope well with the cycle decomposition. The proposed method exploits predeclaration and adapts the AOCCRB method by customizing prefetching, back-off, and partial backward and forward validation techniques. As a result, more than one of the conflicting transactions is allowed to commit at the server in the same broadcast cycle which empowers the processing of both update and read-only transactions and improves data currency.
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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