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Title: Assessment of Nursing Health Care Provided for Preterm Neonates Complaining from Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Southern West Bank رسالة ماجستير
Other Titles: تقييم الرعاية التمريضية المقدمة للخدج الذين يعانون من متلازمة الضائقة التنفسية في جنوب الضفة الغربية
Authors: Dardas, Abed Alhameed$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: Health Care, Nurses knowledge, Nurses performance, respiratory distress syndrome
Issue Date: May-2024
Publisher: AAUP
Abstract: Background: "Infants are at risk of developing respiratory distress syndrome. Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is a major cause of morbidity and death in premature infants. RDS, or hyaline membrane disease, is defined as a syndrome caused by a deficiency in the production of a substance that helps the lungs grow, which leads to structural immaturity in the lungs at birth, which leads to decreased lung function". Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the scientific knowledge and practical practice of male and female nurses regarding their care provided to premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome in neonatal intensive care units in governmental and private hospitals in the southern West Bank. Methods: The study was descriptive conducted in neonatal intensive care units in all hospitals in the southern West Bank, the sample included all male and female nurses. The total number of workers in the intensive care unit in hospitals in the southern West Bank was 150. The researcher used a self-administered questionnaire. Results: The results of the current study revealed that the percentages of knowledge were (66.15%) and the percentage of practical care among participants was (82.0%) for children with respiratory distress syndrome. It has been shown also that specialized training in cases of premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome contributes to an acceptable extent to improving the performance of nurses in this field. And that (88.0%) of nurses have high awareness level about the basic method of infection prevention in premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome. On the other hand, it was found that the performance of female nurses was significantly higher than that of male nurses in regarding care of preterm neonate with RDS in NICUs. VI Conclusion The study recommended the necessity of having educational and training programs to improve the scientific knowledge and practical practice of male and female nurses about caring for premature infants with RDS in neonatal intensive care departments in hospitals in the southern West Bank
Description: Master \ Neonatal Nursing
Appears in Collections:Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

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