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Title: Cultural Representations in the Palestinian School Curriculum Through the Arabic Language Curriculum for Basic Grades: Second, Third, and Fourth, Year 2016 رسالة ماجستير
Authors: azar, VIVIN$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: intercultural communication,socio cultural theory,education
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: AAUP
Abstract: School curricula are an important tool in determining the present of education and the future of culture, a culture that is formed from human experiences throughout history. In this context, the current study aimed to identify "the nature of the cultural representations included in the Palestinian school curriculum for basic grades: second, third and fourth." To investigate the nature of these representations, the study divided the subject into two questions focused on the nature of the cultural representations and their forms of representation in the school curriculum. The importance of this study lied in the analysis and study of the Palestinian curriculum, which forms the basis of education in Palestine, and which, despite its modernity, is still in the process of formation and always suffers from changes and improvised modifications. An analysis based on the socio-cultural perspective to investigate the nature of the cultural representations contained in it, which constitute an important tool in the formation of children's understanding of the culture of their community. The study followed the content analysis methodology in interpreting and coding the textual materials in the school curriculum, which includes reading texts, graphics, images, and language exercises. The study used the model of Adaskou’s et Al. based on Vygotsky's theory to answer the first question in the study, while Jerome Brunner's principles were used to answer the second one. The study reached a set of results that centered on the existence of a large variation in the forms of cultural representations included in the Palestinian curricula for the three basic classes that were adopted in the study. Results showed that the most present cultural dimension among the representations is the social dimension, and the v least is the aesthetic dimension. There were a large number of texts that were devoid of any cultural dimension in them. In addition to their lack of contextual and perspective principles, which could have provided deep learning that creates its permanence and connection to life and is open to interpretation from different points of view. In light of the results, the research came out with a set of recommendations that call for a comprehensive review of Arabic language textbooks based on socio-cultural theory and conducting other studies; in order to understand the dynamics and role of textbooks in shaping students’ understanding of their culture and their roles that constitute their self and cognitive identity. Furthermore, empowering teachers with different teaching tools that enable them to open up advanced horizons and advanced directions in employing education and finally calling on cultural institutions in civil society to activate their role more in the cultural aspect in order to fill the gap in this field.
Description: Master’s degree in Intercultural Communication and Literature program
Appears in Collections:Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

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