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Title: The Effect of Capital Structure on the Performance of the Nonfinancial Corporation that listed on the Palestine Exchange (PEX) رسالة ماجستير
Authors: Amarneh, Yousef Atef$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: strategic planning,dept financing,equality financing,agency theory
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: AAUP
Abstract: This thesis aims to examine the impact of capital structure on the performance of non-financial corporations that listed on the Palestine Exchange (PEX). It also aimed to examine the impact of intermediate factors (firm's size, firm's age, industry type, firm’s growth) on the performance of the non-financial corporations that listed on the Palestine Exchange. The impact of these factors examined by classifying the data into two portfolios according to the firm's size, firm's age, industry type and firm’s growth. This study uses an empirical approach based on the previous studies, also study sample contains financial statements of the Palestinian corporations that listed on the Palestine Exchange for the period 2009 – 2016. In addition, a number of statistical tests were used: (descriptive statistics, Person’s correlation coefficient and linear regression). 30 corporations were selected as a sample from three sectors (industry, services and investment). This study reached many results as following: There is insignificant positive impact of capital structure components on the performance of non-financial companies that listed on the PEX. Also, there is insignificant positive impact of equity on the performance of non-financial companies that listed on the PEX. The debt impact on the corporation's performance is high whenever the corporation's size is high. Because the high size companies can exploit VII its debt greater than the low size companies. The debt and equity impact on the corporation's performance varies according to sector, the industrial companies can exploit the capital structure to achieve performance greater than investment and service sectors; and then the investment sector and the service sector failed to exploit the capital structure to maximize performance. The Company’s growth variable hasn’t impacted on the relationship between the capital structure and performance. The high age company can exploit its capital structure greater than the low age companies. Recommendations: 1. The nonfinancial companies that listed on the Palestine Exchange are advised to use debt better to maximize the company’s performance. 2. Companies have to develop of new strategies to use equity more efficiently and try to finance their projects by retained earnings to maximize their financial health.
Description: Master Degree in Strategic Planning and Fundraising Program
Appears in Collections:Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

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