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Title: Local Fractional Fourier Series Method for Solving Local Fractional Fredholm Integral Equation رسالة ماجستير
Authors: Sweis, Hind Khalid Mohammad$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: local fractional calculus,fourier series,complex
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: AAUP
Abstract: In this thesis, the solution of the local fractional Fredholm integral equation is studied using the local fractional Fourier series. For that purpose, we present some de nitions and theorems on local fractional calculus. Also, the one and two-dimensional local fractional series are studied extensively and some examples as well, which are solved in detail. Finally, we solved some examples on the two types of local fractional Fredholm integral equations through integrating the one and two-dimensional local fractional Fourier series in the integral equations.
Description: Master of Science in Applied Mathematics
Appears in Collections:Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

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