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Title: Investigating the Effectiveness of Using Credit Analysis Techniques to Bridge Credit Risk “Empirical Evidence from the Banking Sector” رسالة ماجستير
Authors: Jardaneh, Lina Yousef Mahmoud$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: financial risk,environmental risk,credit bank policy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: AAUP
Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to examine the adoption of the credit analysis techniques to bridge credit risk to the current situation in local Palestinian banks. The credit analysis was presented in this thesis as follows “historical credit record analysis, known models of evaluating credit risk, financial analysis, profitability, known standards credit approaches for “Creditworthiness”, the applications of lending instructions of The Palestinian Monetary Authority, the borrowers market condition, the reputation and Morals of the Borrowers”, which used to evaluate credit and bridge its risk. This thesis relied on analytical descriptive approaches; with reference to the Palestine Mone-tary Authority (PMA) rules & regulations; Basel Conventions; International Accounting Stand-ards (ISFR9); scientific periodicals; previous studies; text books, & publications, describing this subject, in addition to this a questionnaire was used to collect data, which was analyzed by using SPSS. The questionnaire was distributed to the following: “credit managers; credit risk managers; branch managers, & business line employees”, who are working in the local Palestinian banks & operating in the west bank totaling (7) banks, out of (248) questionnaire distributed, we received (189) completed questionnaires. The results of the thesis found that the local Palestinian banks adhere to and follow all the in-struments of credit analysis and credit risk in order to reduce credit risk which contributes to a strong credit local Palestinian banking sector & one of the reasons for this is that PMA has strict rules & regulations which the banks follow & adhere to. These results are considered to be positive and of great importance; in providing the local Pal-estinian banks with an opportunity to grant credit expansion; and to participate in financing in- VII vestment development and infrastructure long term projects, as a substitute to financing consum-er retail products and short terms loans. The most important recommendations of this thesis: 1. Make integration in qualitative and quantitative credit analysis tools for accurate evaluation of credit risk. 2. Enter credit management models to determine the profit margin such as (Altman model) and others. 3. Encourage joint participation by the banks in financing infrastructures projects in order to minimize the risk of default by diversification of capabilities. 4. Open the banks for investment and development of large long term projects and industrial projects, to take their role in economic and social development by benefiting from the con-tinuing development of the instruments of credit analysis and credit risk. 5. The application of lending companies and microfinance of credit analysis instruments in or-der to minimize default rate.
Description: Master’s Degree in Strategic Planning and Fundraising
Appears in Collections:Master Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations

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