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Title: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Value Creation: Empirical Study in Palestine
Authors: Abdelkarim, Naser$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, value creation, Palestine, strategic dimensions, competitive advantage, strategic management
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Sciedupress
Abstract: This study empirically evaluates the potential relation between strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dimensions and strategic value creation and establishes an order of importance of these dimensions according to Palestinian public shareholding corporates listed on Palestine Exchange. This is a quantitative research that analyzes corporates‟ responses on a descriptive and correlational questionnaire designed specifically for the research purpose. Cross-sectional analysis revealed important correlations between the strategic value and CSR dimensions across various sectors, such as a strong positive correlation with Proactivity in the Banking sector, a moderate negative correlation with Voluntarism in the Industrial sector, a strong positive correlation with Visibility in the Investment and Services sectors and no correlation in the Insurance sector. The order of preference with respect to dimensions also varied among sectors: the most important dimensions for the Banking, Industrial, Investment, Services and Insurance sectors were Visibility, Centrality, Voluntarism, Centrality and Proactivity; Respectively.
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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