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Title: Effect of an Occlusal Screw-Access Hole on the Fracture Resistance of Permanently Cemented Implant Crowns: A Laboratory Study
Authors: Shadid, Rola$AAUP$Palestinian
Abu-Nabaa, Layla$Other$Other
Al-Omari, Wael$Other$Other
Asfar, Khaled$Other$Other
Masoud, Belal$Other$Other
Issue Date: 1-May-2011
Publisher: Quintessence Publishing Company
Citation: Shadid RM, Abu-Naba'a L, Al-Omari WM, Asfar KR, El Masoud BM. Effect of an occlusal screw-access hole on the fracture resistance of permanently cemented implant crowns: a laboratory study. Int J Prosthodont. 2011 May-Jun;24(3):267-9. PMID: 21519576.
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the fracture resistance of cement-retained metalceramic implant-supported posterior crowns. Three groups of 10 restorations each were tested: group A (cement-retained using zinc phosphate), group B (cement-retained using zinc oxide–eugenol), and group C (cement-retained using zinc phosphate but with an occlusal screw-access hole). All specimens were thermocycled and vertically loaded in a universal testing machine. Mean values of fracture loads were calculated and analyzed statistically. The cement-retained restorations without an occlusal screw-access hole showed significantly higher mean fracture loads than those having one. The type of cement did not affect the porcelain fracture resistance significantly.
ISSN: PMID: 21519576
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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