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Title: Psychometric properties of Nursing Time Management Scale (NTMS), Arabic version
Authors: Zyoud, Raj'a$AAUP$Palestinian
Keywords: Time management
Factor analysis
Issue Date: 5-May-2023
Publisher: BMC NURSING
Citation: Home page | BMC Nursing (
Series/Report no.: Volume 22, article number 153, (2023);Volume 22, article number 153, (2023) / 7 pages
Abstract: Background: Despite the presence of numerous generic time management instruments, relatively few research articles have assessed the validity and reliability of time management skills specific to the nursing profession. This study aimed at developing and validating a time management scale for nurses. Method: A self-administered questionnaire was administered to 715 nurses working in hospitals and clinics in the northern region of the West Bank, Palestine. The scale was examined through exploratory factor analysis, reliability measures, and correlations with other scales. Results: The scale revealed a 3-factor structure 1) organization of nursing work 2) planning and goal setting and 3) coordination of nursing work. The scale demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. Conclusions: The Nursing Time Management Scale (NTMS) is a valid and reliable measure that can be used in assessing time management skills of nurses and in evaluating interventions and training modules aiming at developing nurses’ time management skills.
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ISSN: ISSN: 1472-6955
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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