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Title: The Role of Vision, Mission, Objective and Strategic Choice on the Quality of Service Provided to Citizens Jenin Municipality in Palestin
Authors: majeed mustafa othman mansour1
Keywords: vision
strategic choice
service quality
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: International Journal of Business and Management
Abstract: Abstract This study aims to investigate the role of vision, mission, objectives and strategic choice on the quality of service provided to citizens Jenin Municipality case study. The survey was administered towards employees of Jenin Municipality. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to inspect both the hypothesis and coefficient relationship between the concepts and their implication. The results of this study revealed that vision, mission, objectives and strategic choice have significant influence on service quality. The importance performance matrix analysis (IPMA) analysis revealed that strategic choice is the most important factor among all other factors in order to measure service quality. In conclusion, administrative suggestions, boundaries and future research guidelines have been considered
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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