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Title: Built-In Coil Current Sensing for 7-Tesla 1H/23Na and 1H/31P Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Authors: Salama, Sanaa$AAUP$Palestinian
Abuelhaija, Associate$Other$Other
Saleh, Associate$Other$Other
Nashwan, Osama$Other$Other
Issa, Samer$Other$Other
Issue Date: 31-Mar-2024
Publisher: Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
Abstract: This article introduces two designs for dual-tuned built-in radio-frequency coil current sensing in 7-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging based on the current forcing property of the quarter-wave transmission line. The first design offers dual-tuned built-in coil current sensing at 1H/23Na resonant frequencies to probe the coil current consecutively at 298 MHz and 78.8 MHz, without the need for any integrated sensor on the coil. The second design enables dual-tuned built-in coil current sensing at 1H/31P resonant frequencies to probe the coil current at 298 MHz and 120 MHz consecutively. The first design achieved good matching (<-40 dB) and low insertion loss (<0.5 dB) for 1H and 23Na magnetic resonance signals. The 1H/31P design also exhibited good matching (<-30 dB) and low insertion loss (<0.67dB). Therefore, both designs show promising potential for monitoring current flows in dual-tuned coils at the Larmor frequencies of different atomic nuclei.
Appears in Collections:Faculty & Staff Scientific Research publications

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